The Japanese Cultural Society of Maui established the Ganbare Maui Community Recovery Fund to stand in solidarity with the people of Maui after catastrophic Aug. 8 wildfires that resulted in loss of life and significant damages in Upcountry and West Maui.
The Japanese in Hawaii, such as the community in the town of Lahaina, have deep historical roots that span generations of more than 150 years from the Gannenmono, the first Japanese contract laborers recruited in 1868. Historical churches and other places of worship, well-preserved documents and cultural traditions have turned into ashes. More important, generational homes and residents’ sense of place that define their identity are also lost in the flames.
During this difficult time as we mourn with family and friends, our spirit remains strong. We urge the Japanese community throughout the State of Hawaii, across the nation, and in the world to stand with us. We understand recovery will take years, but our resolve to never give up is firm.
This fundraising effort is dedicated to support recovery efforts, restoration programs and special initiatives in line with the preservation and perpetuation of Maui’s thriving Japanese culture and community. We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, and if you wish to make a donation, go to jcsmaui.org. Checks may be sent to JCSM at PO Box 5090, Kahului, HI 96733. For inquiries, email jcsmhawaii@gmail.com.
JCSM will match the first $35,000 of funds raised.
マウイ日本文化協会(Japanese Cultural Society of Maui)は、この度8月8日に起きたアップカントリーと西マウイの山火事で被災された方々を支援する“がんばれマウイ復興募金”を開設いたしました。
マウイ日本文化協会は、非営利団体 (501(c)(3)) です。募金は、jcsmaui.org からお願いいたします。チェックを郵送される場合は、JCSM 宛て、PO Box 5090, Kahului, HI 96733で受け付けております。ご質問等はEmailにて、jcsmhawaii@gmail.comまでお願いします。